Thursday, August 9, 2007


Hello, there!

Yeah, I know. I haven't posted in, like, forever. But I've been real busy, trust me!
So...I will now proceed to quickly inform everyone of what I have been up to.

First of all, I went to an awesome John Mayer concert. That was cool.
Then I went on a 'mini-trip' (It was like, two days long) to Chicago, where I saw their great art museum.
And after that, I went on yet another trip which covered Niagara Falls, Toronto, and Detroit, where at the very last city I got to see a Red Sox game.
Then we came back home, where I proceeded to recover from the vacation by watching way too much TV.
But, alas, my recovery time was cut short, as right after that I was sent away to spend time with my lovely grandparents.

And then, after a week or so, 'poof!', I'm finally home, with three weeks until I have to go back to that dreadful place they call a school.

So, I'm spending as much time as I can reccuperating for my next vacation which is coming pretty soon.

This time, my dad, my sister, and I are going to head to New England to see my dad's family. Clam chowder, anyone?
My dad, of course, is very excited to be going back to his 'homeland'. He's got a list as big as me of all the things he wants to eat. (Good seafood is hard to get here...)

So, I have to go. I haven't eaten breakfast yet, and there is a bowl of Trix with my name on it...