Sunday, December 16, 2007



I'm bored, so I'm just going to post pointless things on the blog over and over again.

Hmmm...what to write about...

-gets idea-

So...last night I watched Amazing Grace.

Or, I should say I was forced to watch Amazing Grace.

But, for a movie that I had to be forced into watching, it was actually pretty good.

Amazing Grace is a movie about the man who stopped the slave trade for Great Britain. Half of the movie is in flashbacks, and the other half is in his current life, when he is sick and suffering from some blood-cell disease, and has failed to abolish the slave trade.

Long story short, the flashbacks are him telling this one girl that he meets in his current life about how he failed.
After the flashbacks are over, they decide they are in love, they get married, he gets well, and then with the help of his old friends finally gets rid of the slave trade for Britain.

The acting was good, very dramatic, and the cast was made up of mostly character actors that were recognizable.
And, although everyone says they hate educational/political/hisorical movies, sometimes learning something in a movie is good for you...


Ink said...

I just watched that movie too.
It was really good. I loved it.
I actually looked William Wilberforce up on wikki, and it said that he died of influenza at age 70 something.
So I think that's what he had...


Ink said...

But yes, I totally agree. The actors/actresses were great. And the movie in general was too.
: D


Caitlin Summers said...

Thanks for the info. I'm pretty sure they said what he had in the movie, but I forgot what it was. Influenza sounds about right...

Sk8erGirl said...

um, thanks for commenting on my blog!

Ink said...

Yup, they did... but it was off as to what he actually had.

I thought that his little boy was SO CUTE. Didn't you?


Caitlin Summers said...


Of course!

But, personally, I think all little kids are cute. Maybe it's because I'm a babysitter, and I spend so much time around them. Or maybe it's just because I'm weird. Ah, well...

The same to you!